All Apache Thrift tutorials require that you have:
thrift -r --gen d tutorial.thrift
module client;
import std.stdio;
import thrift.base;
import thrift.codegen.client;
import thrift.protocol.binary;
import thrift.transport.buffered;
import thrift.transport.socket;
import tutorial.Calculator;
import tutorial.tutorial_types;
void main() {
auto socket = new TSocket("localhost", 9090);
auto transport = new TBufferedTransport(socket);
auto protocol = tBinaryProtocol(transport);
auto client = tClient!Calculator(protocol);;;
int sum = client.add(1, 1);
writefln("1 + 1 = %s", sum);
auto work = Work();
work.op = Operation.DIVIDE;
work.num1 = 1;
work.num2 = 0;
try {
int quotient = client.calculate(1, work);
writeln("Whoa we can divide by 0");
} catch (InvalidOperation io) {
writeln("Invalid operation: " ~ io.why);
work.op = Operation.SUBTRACT;
work.num1 = 15;
work.num2 = 10;
int diff = client.calculate(1, work);
writefln("15 - 10 = %s", diff);
auto log = client.getStruct(1);
writefln("Check log: %s", log.value);
module server;
import std.conv : to;
import std.stdio;
import thrift.codegen.processor;
import thrift.protocol.binary;
import thrift.server.simple;
import thrift.server.transport.socket;
import thrift.transport.buffered;
import share.SharedService;
import share.shared_types;
import tutorial.Calculator;
import tutorial.tutorial_types;
* The actual implementation of the Calculator interface that is called by
* the server to answer the requests.
class CalculatorHandler : Calculator {
void ping() {
int add(int n1, int n2) {
writefln("add(%s,%s)", n1, n2);
return n1 + n2;
int calculate(int logid, ref const(Work) work) {
writefln("calculate(%s, {%s, %s, %s})", logid, work.op, work.num1, work.num2);
int val;
switch (work.op) {
case Operation.ADD:
val = work.num1 + work.num2;
case Operation.SUBTRACT:
val = work.num1 - work.num2;
case Operation.MULTIPLY:
val = work.num1 * work.num2;
case Operation.DIVIDE:
if (work.num2 == 0) {
auto io = new InvalidOperation();
io.whatOp = work.op;
io.why = "Cannot divide by 0";
throw io;
val = work.num1 / work.num2;
auto io = new InvalidOperation();
io.whatOp = work.op;
io.why = "Invalid Operation";
throw io;
auto ss = SharedStruct();
ss.key = logid;
ss.value = to!string(val);
log[logid] = ss;
return val;
SharedStruct getStruct(int logid) {
writefln("getStruct(%s)", logid);
return log[logid];
void zip() {
SharedStruct[int] log;
void main() {
auto protocolFactory = new TBinaryProtocolFactory!();
auto processor = new TServiceProcessor!Calculator(new CalculatorHandler);
auto serverTransport = new TServerSocket(9090);
auto transportFactory = new TBufferedTransportFactory;
auto server = new TSimpleServer(
processor, serverTransport, transportFactory, protocolFactory);
writeln("Starting the server on port 9090...");